
Networking & Social Activities

A big reason for going to conferences is to meet up with like-minded people and industry peers. AATF provides a great way to do just that. Take advantage of the time you are virtually around your peers and many like-minded professionals.

Come meet and network with industry leaders who encounter – and solve – the same challenges you see every day. Learn how to gain a competitive advantage, benchmark your strategies, deliver a better customer experience, and so much more!

 Register Today 


Our Speakers & High-Level round tables.

Our speakers give you up to date input on best practices, data-driven insights, and trends that will give your institution a competitive advantage in an increasingly globalized world.

Leaders of International and African Institutions, and Experts will discuss and present the latest reforms on the continent in supporting agri trade & finance ’ development.

If you wish to become a SPEAKER AT AATF 2023 please contact us at agritrade.finance@aidembs.com  with your topic of interest- proposed or picked from the agenda

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Access & showcase the latest technology and expertise. 

Chat with booth staff who are delivering cutting-edge products and technology to the industry.